Friday, January 25, 2013

What is coming next for me


A lot of my friends are asking about what comes next for me. So here it is. 

In about a week or a week and a half, I'll be re-releasing my first book. The first book needed some serious polish and it has received that. A very healthy dose of it. It went to a professional editor and she gave it some awesome TLC. There are only a few things left to do, but I have read the (mostly) finished product and it is amazing! 

While I've waited, I've written first first draft to a new science fiction novel. It is titled K.R.I.S. (The Kinetic Redirection and Interaction Suit). I had a lot of fun writing this book and I think you guys will enjoy reading it. I won't be releasing this book right away, but I have plans to work on it during the summer. 

I was going to release my science fiction book after my first fantasy book. But I changed my mind. Here is why; in March I will be creating a kickstarter for my second book in the "A Scholar's Journey" series. Essentially, I'd like help with the editing now because it is quite expensive. So, I've been making the preparations for that. The second book in the series needs to go through its third draft, before I am ready to send it to my editor. I am currently on 40/300 pages on that. I fully expect to be done by March 1st. 

In March along with my Kickstarter, I will be doing a marketing tour. Expect to see a lot of hype about it around that time. In the interim, I'll be sending copies to friends and family, asking for reviews on Amazon, Goodreads, etc.

I have learned a number of very important lessons on this road. In the coming days I'll start posting up pictures of the cover and its progress. I'll be throwing up links to how you can buy the book. And, I'll be sending out review copies to friends and family. 

I really appreciate all of your support through this time. It has been a hard road for me. It takes every ounce of courage in me to continue forward, because sometimes it feels like I only have myself to rely on. But then, I remember all of you and the encouragement I got for following my dream. Thank you to everyone. I really appreciate you all as human beings and I am grateful that you are all in my life. 

- Herrick

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